The Power Within: Data Unleashed

In a growing manufacturing company, the CEO identified the need to have accurate and timely labor cost data tied to the various ongoing projects. With no system in place, the Operations Manager was forced to compile this data daily from the handwritten forms of workers. Interpreting and entering the notes of the shop floor employees was time consuming and prone to error in misinterpretations and mistyping. This problem was multiplied in instances of busy days where multiple interruptions from workers were routine. 

Challenges with the Existing System and the Quest for a Solution: 

Initially, the company approached their ERP provider to find a time-effective solution. However, the options presented were expensive and required costly upgrades to their packaged system. The Operations Manager turned to Ablesoft for custom assistance. Our developers identified a solution that struck the perfect balance between value and performance, ultimately maximizing the return on investment. 

Empowering the Employees with Streamlined Data Entry: 
With the approved solution in hand, the manufacturing company implemented our modern application that empowered employees with tablets connected to a centralized database. This action eliminated the need for manual recording from physical records. Now, workers could directly input accurate data, freeing up significant time for the manager in addressing more value-added activities. 

Significant ROI through Data Automation: 

By removing the burden of manual data entry, the company achieved a substantial return on investment. Considering the average salary of the Operations Manager and the three hours spent weekly on manual data entry, the app had the potential to recoup its investment within just 3-4 months! With streamlined operations and significant cost savings achieved through data automation, the company found itself able to delay the purchase of an expensive shop-floor package.  

This impressive cost-saving achievement served as a testament to management, the power of leveraging data for their manufacturing success.  

Expansion and Benefits Across Divisions: 

Inspired by this initial triumph, plans were set in motion to expand the application's usage to ten devices, enabling efficiency and data-driven decision-making across the organization. As a result, various divisions within the company experienced tangible benefits. The machining department saw improved productivity, thanks to accurate and timely data, while the finance team achieved better job cost management. The shop floor, free from paperwork, also impressed the C-level management.  

Partnering for Your Success: 

This manufacturing company's journey to success was a collaborative effort involving owners, the Operations Manager, and Ablesoft's developers. Together, they achieved outcomes not unusual to our success stories, including increased productivity, significant cost savings, and strategic growth. Talk to us and we can make an impact on your growth and success, too.